Campus Ministry

Student Spirituality

The primary ministry of students comes through Student Ministry Team (SMT). The team meets as a group to tend to several outreaches in our community.
Their work includes, but is not limited to, planning prayer services, participating in the Diocesan Prayer Service for Life, organizing the Catholic Charities Christmas Gifts, planning the sophomore overnight retreat, and visiting a local senior home. In addition, the team coordinates Mass ministries (altar servers, readers, gift-bearers, and Eucharistic Ministers), planning Class Masses, investigating how to begin faith-sharing communities on campus and growing BNI’s service presence in the community.
  1. Additionally, students can be ministers at Mass. All students are welcome to serve as gift-bearers or readers. Students with previous training can serve as Eucharistic Ministers and altar servers; those without training can request it from Campus Ministry. Students interested in being music ministers can join Bishop Noll’s choir, which leads music at our liturgies under the direction of Mr. Rocco Carioto. Also, as previously stated, students can join SMT to work as planners.
  2. Many peer leadership opportunities are also available through Bishop Noll’s retreats. Student leaders are needed on all retreats offered by Bishop Noll. Retreat leaders are responsible primarily for leading a small group, which places heavy emphasis on listening and directing skills. Leaders are often asked to prepare witness talks in which they reflect upon and tell stories from their lives; these stories aim to explain lessons they’ve learned and the ways they’ve gained knowledge and deeper awareness of themselves, of others, and of God.    
    • Freshmen Retreat is led by juniors and seniors who apply and are selected in the previous spring. Sophomores are invited to assist with the retreat as Support Staff.
    • El Camino (the sophomore retreat) is led by the volunteer members of SMT who served on the Retreat Planning Team.
    • Kairos (the junior retreat) is led by students who have already attended Kairos. Kairos alumni can apply to lead anytime after they attend the retreat, with applications usually re-released to students about 1-2 weeks after each Kairos retreat. Students who are not selected for a particular retreat can leave their applications on file for consideration for each Kairos until they graduate.
    • Senior Retreat does not have formal leaders; instead, seniors volunteer to be small-group facilitators. They undergo a brief orientation and receive basic training in order to simply facilitate a few conversations for their small-group.
Bishop Noll Institute, a diverse, Catholic college preparatory school, partners with local faith communities to empower young adults to live their faith in Christ through ministry, scholarship, and leadership.